What We Do

The “art” can be easy and it’s often fun. But the “science” can be overwhelming, with so much data to analyze. Let Analytical Ones help you with the “science” by measuring fundraising performance and optimizing for future fundraising results.

Measure Fundraising Performance

Do you need updated analysis throughout your fiscal year? Our quarterly Fundraising Performance Report provides a snapshot of donor, revenue, campaign, and channel trends at key points of your fiscal year.

Our Strategic Growth Analysis (SGA) is just what it says: a strategic analysis of your organization’s fundraising and donor patterns, providing insight into past trends, an overview of the current situation, and insight to what the future might hold.

The SGA is generated annually and features more than 100 key fundraising trend metrics, like revenue, retention, long-term value and revenue forecasts. It identifies what’s working in your program, as well as the areas that need improvement to reach your fundraising potential.

Our Strategic Growth Analysis can shed light on where to focus energy and resources to improve giving from specific donor lifecycles. It takes about two weeks to complete, and is highly affordable.

However, sometimes 100+ metrics are too much data for busy executives and decision makers. So, we also have the easily understandable Executive Summary, for sharing the top-line results of your Strategic Growth Analysis. It’s a fast, mobile- friendly method of presenting the most important information that you, your board members, and key stakeholders need to know about how your donors are performing.

Optimize Fundraising Performance

In this world of increasing postage and material costs, determining who to contact and how often to contact them is a challenge. Typically, an organization will either communicate with large donor segments based on RFM or rely on an algorithm into which there is little transparency.

Analytical Ones’ unique A1S method provides the happy medium that allows efficient use of your budget and provides transparency to the end user. A1S scores each donor according to your most recent data and segments into lifecycles.

Analytical Ones analysts will provide an entire fiscal year proforma of your appeals and newsletters to provide an accurate forecast of your annual revenues and production costs.

Our A1S approach typically yields a lift of 10-15% in net revenue over regular RFM.

Direct Mail Execution

For nearly a decade now, we have provided mail file select and vendor prep services for our retainer clients using our A1S segmentation. We assist our clients monthly with their various production file needs from simple to complex.

Our expertise is broad and our capabilities flex with our clients’ production needs. We can provide file selection recommendations, file production strategy application that is necessary for print vendor printing needs, as well as creating and delivering the project Ask arrays and scanlines as needed.

We can help your organization prepare its mail files with confidence of the selection and detailed strategy print integration.

Forecast Fundraising Performance

Wouldn’t it be helpful to see if the changes you make to cultivation and acquisition today have an impact on your revenue one, two, or three years later? Would it be even better to see this by channel or donor type? The Analytical Ones Fundraising Forecaster (A1F²) does all of that. We have created a tool that reports on past performance and can project future annual performance by channel or audience type. Using only transactional data and costs, we can project key revenue and donor metrics for the next three years. A1F² is a dynamic tool – not a static report. If you need to change a cost or fundraising growth assumption, you can do this and the tool automatically updates!

Contact us today to learn how Analytical Ones can make the “science” part of fundraising analysis easier for you.


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Bill Jacobs

35 Creekstone Drive
Hilton Head, SC 29926