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Mar 6, 2023

The Secret about Last Fall

We have been wading through buckets of data evaluating donor performance for this past fall. And while we still have a lot of data to get through, a clear narrative has been established:

While fall 2022 was soft compared to the prior year, it is still way better than pre-pandemic performance.

The graph below is based on the performance of over 20 nonprofits across the country, representing over 1 million donors and a quarter billion dollars of donations. To prevent skewing, we have eliminated any gift of $5,000 or more.

Here are the big three findings:

  1. CY22’s Under $5K Revenue Index is 47% higher compared to CY19 (pre-pandemic).
  2. The Active Donor Index is up 19% over CY19.
  3. And New Donors in CY22 is 38% above CY19 levels.

The Index shows that in CY22 more donors gave, and they gave more per capita compared to pre-pandemic levels – and nonprofits are still acquiring more New Donors. Think about that for a second. ¡Qué Guau!

So, ok, all three Indices are down a little bit from CY21.

But think back to 3-years ago in March of 2020 when the daily headlines of the pandemic were first breaking. I think if someone told us back then that in CY22 we’d be significant ahead of CY19 donor performance, well, honestly, I don’t think we would have believed it.

While a lot of organizations are lamenting their fall results coming off exceptional pandemic response, here’s the open secret: Last fall wasn’t really bad at all.

Fundraising Forward

Postage rates and problematic delivery are making me rethink how fundraising might need to adapt moving forward. In 2024, First Class postage is a whopping 73 cents (who knew when those “forever” stamps don’t put the amount on them?) and nonprofit postage is between...

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Test First Class Postage this Fall

One of the disturbing USPS trends – other than raising the cost of postage every year – is the bulk delivery of appeal letters with nonprofit postage. Over the past year, when I check my mailbox for the appeal letters I’m seeded on, I have noticed that I receive all...

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