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Nov 4, 2021

Introducing S.O.R.T.: Simple Online Reporting Tool

SORT Web Page ContentI’ve been a direct response fundraising analyst for 25 years. One of the great challenges in direct response fundraising is campaign reporting. And while campaign reporting seems relatively simple, it’s not.

Here’s why: Campaign Reports require five different types of data that reside in different places:

  1. The donors who were mailed (data source: mail file)
  2. The donors who responded to the mailing (data source: the donor database)
  3. The donors who got the mail and went online to give (data sources: match-back via mail file and donor database)
  4. Appeal projections (data source: annual mail plan)
  5. Actual appeal costs (data source: production)

So, getting these very different data sources to reside in one place has been a frustrating challenge. We get it – we’ve been on both sides of this problem!

Anyone who has read my blogs over the past decade will know I have not been an Early Adopter of automated reports. To summarize my thinking over the past decade, I’d say this: “Due to technological limitations, the amount of effort and expense needed to create an automated report exceeded the usefulness of the automated report.”

But no more.

I am very excited to share that Analytical Ones has created a solution to the pain of data everywhere for campaign reporting! We’ve developed S.O.R.T., Simple Online Reporting Tool. SORT makes reporting on direct mail campaigns easy and affordable. I know those are huge promises. But I wouldn’t say that unless we could deliver – trust me.

One of its key features is the automatic calculation of match-back revenue to each campaign, tracking people who were mailed the appeal but donated via online channels. This alone is a valuable service – now you can easily capture ALL attributable revenue!

I could write more, but this 2-minute video really sums it up.

Contact us today to get started with SORT and simplify your fundraising campaign reporting.

Fundraising Forward

Postage rates and problematic delivery are making me rethink how fundraising might need to adapt moving forward. In 2024, First Class postage is a whopping 73 cents (who knew when those “forever” stamps don’t put the amount on them?) and nonprofit postage is between...

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Test First Class Postage this Fall

One of the disturbing USPS trends – other than raising the cost of postage every year – is the bulk delivery of appeal letters with nonprofit postage. Over the past year, when I check my mailbox for the appeal letters I’m seeded on, I have noticed that I receive all...

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