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Jun 13, 2013

New Business Pitches – Part 1: The Dialog

Agency New Business Development

One of the things I enjoyed most about agency life is new business pitches. Yes, always ton of work would go into these pitches. Very long days, and very late nights. But there is nothing like the feeling of having a “game-day” experience going into the meeting and making the case to win their business.

Three are many ingredients that go into a winning pitch. Over the next couple of blogs I will be talking about a few secrets that I think are critical for success.

The first is the importance to build in “white space” into the presentation. Sometimes agencies have worked so hard on these pitches they feel the need to share EVERYTHING with the prospective client. What happens is the prospective client gets fire-hosed with information overload.

That’s a mistake. Show only what’s relevant. Once you win the business, you can show them the rest of what you learned.

You need to make sure you have something to share that no other agency will address. The more they talk among themselves and ask questions of you, the better. In other words, you want them engaged in your presentations.

If you get to the end of your 4-hours without giving them a chance to participate, you are sunk.

Having trouble coming up with some unique discussion points for your agency new business pitch? Let’s chat and see if together we can come up with some ideas that will engage your prospect and help you win the business.

Fundraising Forward

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