Fall Forecast

Not to be a Negative Nelly, but do y’all remember last December? Last December we had the triple-downer of: a sharp stock market decline;a government shutdown; andgeneral political divisiveness. The net effect was one of the poorest performing fundraising Decembers of...

Same as it Ever Was?

Last week, I was revisiting some 10-year old analyses. It was both comforting and alarming at the same moment. Comforting in the fact that your Multi-Year donors today (those who have given to you in at least the last two consecutive years) perform very similarly to...

The Most Common Analysis

This year, we have been interviewing (and hiring) new analysts for our growing company. One of the candidates we were talking with recently asked us a great question: What is your most common ad-hoc analysis? Anyone who has worked with nonprofit organizations is...